How a supermarket should reinvent itself during Covid-19

During these days of Covid-19, it is common that uncertainty plagues business owners and managers, how long will these changes last, is it necessary to create alternative measures to obtain income, what to do with hired employees, how prepared are we for all this, the truth is that there are changes that are here to stay, this is why you must reinvent your business and adapt it to current needs IMMEDIATELY.

Generate more efficient purchasing options The company’s products and services are geared to the trends that are beginning to be perceived in food retailing. We present the main questions that bring changes that you must face to overcome this crisis and maintain yourself once the pandemic is over, because they will become part of the daily life of society.

1. What to do with the restriction on the number of people in a place?

To offer more efficient shopping, supermarkets and mini-markets must offer a more efficient faster shopping to serve more people. Supermarket is no longer a place for social interaction where stories are shared in checkout lines to demand more efficient service with less social interaction.

You can have different strategies to increase efficiency such as self-service and self-payment points. that allow your customers to make a purchase without having direct contact with another person.

2. How can I keep my customers who visit me at ease?

Offers the measures taken to prevent the transmission of the virus awakens in buyers a need for more hygienic purchases, the measures taken to prevent the transmission of the virus awakens in buyers a need for more hygienic purchases . more organized and cleaner spaces The company also offers cleaning supplies available for them to disinfect themselves and at the same time to the products in case they require it.

3. How to generate sales during these days and after Covid-19?

Expand your sales channels: If sales were previously made through Internet was a tentative option for supermarket and convenience store managers and owners; is now an obligation to have more sales. Recent studies in Colombia have shown that during the first weeks of confinement, the number of transactions for Internet sales doubled as did the number of people ordering groceries and beverages over the Internet for the first time.

In online sales you can offer different ways to deliver the orderHere the logistics of your business plays a fundamental role, as you must be prepared to have an order and control of the orders that you must send because they entered through the website or apps, the orders that will be picked up at the point, the orders that enter through other platforms such as Rappi and Uber Eats and the orders that enter directly through the phone line.

A great ally for the control of this can be your software, because if you have one that has integrated the different types of addresses to the database of your business, it will guarantee you to have traceability and tracking of all orders, since the idea is to ensure that the purchase arrives safely and on time at the consumer’s home.

4. How to reduce the risk of contagion among customers, employees and household members?

It offers different payment methods: As a consequence of the transmission of the virus, it is recommended not to have contact with elements such as money; therefore, the payment by credit card or other methods will be a requirement of your audience. Some software, in addition to allowing card payments, also allows for mobile wallet payments that completely eliminate the contact with physical money; providing more security for customers.

5. and if I don’t have a website, through which other channels can I increase or sustain my sales?

Implement your own addresses or orders by WhatsApp: Offering your customers the possibility of calling you for addresses and integrating them directly into your billing system will allow you to have a more accurate inventory control; but this is not all, you must also take into consideration the agility in the operation so that the address is delivered on time and in good condition.

As manager or owner of a supermarket or convenience store, you should know that as you work with perishable foods that must keep the cold chain to be preserved in optimal conditions, this requires you to have a control of the status of orders from the moment of receipt until delivery to the customer’s home.

To facilitate this whole operation, your software must be able to store your customers’ data in the first instance, to allow the traceability of which courier the order was delivered to, the delivery time and the delivery zones.

With these 5 solutions to the most common questions you can not only cope with this situation but also be prepared to continue with your business once the current situation is overcome.

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