Imagen principal de la noticia de tipos de Ingeniería Social

Types of Social Engineering

Phishing: It is characterized by searching for personal information, names, addresses and security numbers. It uses links that redirect to suspicious sites, with URLs that seem to be legitimate and messages that manipulate the user. Vishing: It is an attack in which a false scenario is created to obtain personal information, it is done through…

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a set of techniques used by cybercriminals to trick unsuspecting users into sending them sensitive data, infecting their computers with malware or opening links to infected sites. In addition, hackers may try to take advantage of a user’s lack of knowledge; due to the speed at which technology is advancing, many consumers…

Imagen carrusel noticia México conquista a Elon

Mexico conquered Elon

The construction of Tesla’s Gigafactory 5 in Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, will be completed in record time: less than nine months. It will be the first in Latin America and the third outside the United States. According to the rating agency Moody’s Local Mx, the investment contemplated in this super project reaches US$5 billion…

Vamo’ arriba! GSB is already in Uruguay

Everything we have done so far at GSB can be defined with this beautiful expression: Vamo’ arriba! In Uruguay this phrase is encouraging, its use denotes confidence and is used to emphasize, to call or ask for someone’s attention, to show astonishment or surprise. In Mexico we can equate it with “Dale”, “Sí se puede”,…