Today, March 8, International Women’s Day is celebrated. This idea emerged at the end of the 19th century, which was, in the industrialized world, a period of expansion and turbulence, explosive population growth and radical ideologies.
At GSB we want to recognize influential women in the world of technology:
Ada Lovelace.
First female programmer. -
Hedwing Eva Maria Kiesler,co-inventor of Wi-fi.

Radia Joy Perlman,Mother of the Internet.

Today, women hold top positions in successful technology companies such as:
Maria Teresa ArnalPresidentof Google Mexico.
Claudia ContrerasMarketing Directorof Samsung Mexico.
Naxla MinaXbox Latam Marketing and Communications Manager.
Francoise Lavertu
Director of Tesla in Mexico.
Cristina Yi
Marketing Director of Huawei Mexico.
Marcela Velasco
Marketing Director of Telcel.
Anasofia Sanchez
Director of advertising strategies at Facebook.
Cristina Randall
Co-Founder of Conekta
Jimena Pardo
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Carrot