At Conexión GSB we seek to generate safe spaces based on trust, confidentiality and respect, where all GSB members can express themselves freely, in order to improve communication and thus achieve a positive impact on personal growth, as well as on the organizational climate and facilitate the coordination of actions in GSB.
It is intended to be a permanent program that meets the personal development needs of employees, based mainly on human warmth, and that can be extended to GSB’s customers and business partners, collaborating in the design, implementation and fulfillment of life plans.
Inclusion, Professionalism, Confidentiality, Trust, Respect, Human Warmth and Commitment.

The most important value of GSB is human warmth, since good treatment and respect for others are fundamental in any human relationship and our clients and work team are very important for the company, thanks to them GSB grows.

Since 2009, when the company was conceived as a future and current mA Mexican multinational since 2009, the company is now present in more than 17 countries. With its main business areas Technology Solutions, ICT Services, Human Capital and Cybersecurity.