Vamo’ arriba! GSB is already in Uruguay

Everything we have done so far at GSB can be defined with this beautiful expression: Vamo’ arriba! In Uruguay this phrase is encouraging, its use denotes confidence and is used to emphasize, to call or ask for someone’s attention, to show astonishment or surprise. In Mexico we can equate it with “Dale”, “Sí se puede”,…

Cryptocurrencies and GSB El Salvador

The picture says more than a thousand words and according to Orlin Grabbe, “cryptology represents the future of privacy and by implication it also represents the future of money and the future of banking and finance.” Just after several meetings in San Salvador I missed my lunch break, looking for something quick I stopped by…

Hala Madrid, Hala Spain, Hala GSB!

According to the Real Academia de la Lengua, the word “Hala” is used to instill encouragement, it is a slogan that fans use to support and encourage their team. With meanings ranging from ¡Adelante!, Vamos! or ¡Fuerza! In September 2019 we had the first talks to take the first step in Europe, our destination: to…