Tips for Teleworking

  • Designate an area of the house that has the necessary space for work furniture and that can be isolated from the rest of the house if possible.
  • The workspace should remain clean and tidy.
  • Take regular breaks – micro-breaks, around 10 minutes after one to two hours of effective continuous work (each person adjusts).
  • Using a timer
  • Avoid extreme and household noises
  • Adequate illumination of the work area
  • Natural light is the most advisable, complementing it with artificial lighting if necessary.
  • The computer should be positioned so that natural or artificial light strikes the screen from the side and not from the front or behind the user.
  • Establish regular, planned meetings with people related to the activity itself to reinforce the social function of the work and minimize the risk of isolation.
  • Maintain operational communications systems (Teams, Skype, mail, mobile, etc.) to obtain answers to queries in a short period of time.
  • Continue using the alarm clock
  • Start and end the workday at your working hours.
  • Dress for work, comfortably, but never in pajamas and without showering.
  • Respect rest periods
  • Do not skip meals and avoid eating at all times.
  • Plan and respect, as much as possible, your work plan.
  • Use the best communication and collaboration tools: Teams, Jira, Gib, Skype, among others.

María Esther Remedios


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