Vida Productiva GSB, Social Project

As the pandemic affected us, we saw how many people lost their jobs, how unemployment grew drastically and how job opportunities disappeared. What can we do? How can we support? It was in this context that the “GSB Productive Life” project was born, a program that provides flexible work opportunities for mothers, fathers, stay-at-home moms,…

Laptop or desktop: your best options

In the past, choosing the best computer technology used to be an exercise in frustrating negotiations: would you rather have better battery life or lower cost, a large screen or more portability? Today, choosing between a laptop and a desktop is no longer about settling for less, but about maximizing your options: with continuous improvements…

Adrián Vargas: Our goal is to grow

Adrián Vargas is Sales Manager in the Commercial area of GSB, he has almost a year in the company and with more than 14 years of experience in the telecommunications field, he shares with us his evolution. Following the growth of the technology market and the search for IT profiles, Vargas takes advantage of the…

Let’s make powerful retrospectives

The retrospective, or retro, is a periodic meeting that the team holds to explicitly reflect on its work and make decisions for improvement. It is a point of inspection and adaptation of our processes and work team. It uses an established format that invites team members, both individually and jointly, to specify what has worked…

Agile Documentation: The useful and necessary

We document to help others and ourselves: To teach, to those unfamiliar with a system, how it is structured, installed and operates. For use, operate, support and maintain the software over time. To reflect on the product, help to solidify and discover aspects that were not contemplated. For support communication with external groups and audits,…